How to Read Your DEHQ Permit

How to read your permit
A = Expiration Month
- This is the month that this permit will expire.
B = Expiration Year
- This is the year that this permit will expire.
C = Owner/Operator Name
- Our records show this is the current owner / operator’s name. If this is incorrect, please see below on how to contact us.
D = Facility Name
- Our records show this is the current facility name. If this is incorrect, please see below on how to contact us.
E = Facility Located at
- Our records show this is the current address of the facility. If this is incorrect, please see below on how to contact us.
F = Mailing Address
- Our records show this is the permit contact’s name and address where permits get mailed to. If this is incorrect, please see below on how to contact us.
G = Record Number
- This record number is how we identify your business or facility. You can reference this record number when paying online or contacting us.
H = Type of permit
- This is the type of permit for your business or facility.
I = Expiration Date
- This is the date the permit will expire.
J = Attention
- These are important notes or instructions for this permit, please read thoroughly.
K = Notes
- Notes for all permits, please read thoroughly.
Note: More information can be found at the back of the invoice.
You can also contact us at:
- Food & Housing Division (For record # like
- (858) 505-6666
- Or send an email to
- Hazardous Materials Division (For record # like
- (858) 505-6880
- Or send an email to
- Land & Water Quality Division (For record # like
- (858) 565-5173
- Or send an email to
- Billing
- (858) 505-6930
- Or send an email to