What Is New In Food and Housing

2025 Cost Recovery Proposal and Program Updates

The County of San Diego, Department of Environmental Health and Quality, Food, Water, and Housing Division would like to invite you to attend an upcoming stakeholder engagement session for the Fiscal Year 2025-2026 cost recovery proposal. Our stakeholder engagement sessions will be virtual through Microsoft Teams for the food, swimming pool, body art, massage, and organized camp programs. The sessions will focus on program updates, accomplishments, the fiscal year 2025‐2026 cost recovery proposal, and have time for questions and answers.

Language interpretation, including American Sign Language, in alternative languages are available upon request. Please submit your request by Thursday, March 20, 2025, by calling (858) 505-6900 or via email to fhdutyeh@sdcounty.ca.gov


For the FOOD PROGRAM, please join us on Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 11AM-12PM, by clicking the Microsoft Teams link provided. 

Meeting LInk: Join the meeting now. Meeting ID: 263 756 347 565 Passcode: Eq6tc72B 

Dial by phone: (619) 343-2539 Phone conference ID: 103 118 36#


For the SWIMMING POOL, BODY ART, MASSAGE, and ORGANIZED CAMP PROGRAMS, please join us on Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 2PM-3PM, by clicking the Microsoft Teams link provided. 

Meeting LInk: Join the meeting now. Meeting ID: 295 793 819 339 Passcode: qG68ji29

Dial by phone: (619) 343-2539 Phone conference ID: 355 080 356#


For questions regarding the meeting and/or cost recovery proposal, contact our Duty Desk at (858) 505-6900 or via email to fhdutyeh@sdcounty.ca.gov

Departmental Information regarding the Department's cost recovery proposal is posted on the DEHQ website fees page

To review this information in your language, select your language using the built-in Google Translate function located at the top right of this screen.


Food Facility Outreach - Vermin

Watch this video of our recent virtual meeting to learn important tips and best practices for keeping your restaurant clean, safe, and vermin free. The video includes information on applicable code sections related to vermin control within a food facility; how to identify types of vermin and the public health risks associated with them; proper corrective actions, steps, and treatment measures; and steps needed to reopen following a vermin closure.  

To view this video in your preferred language, press settings, then subtitles, then auto-translate and pick your language when captions are made available by YouTube.


.لمشاهدة هذا الفيديو بلغتك المفضلة، اضغط على الإعدادات، ثم الترجمة، ثم الترجمة التلقائية واختر لغتك




Upang mapanood ang video na ito sa gusto mong wika, pindutin ang mga setting, pagkatapos ay mga subtitle, pagkatapos ay awtomatikong isalin at piliin ang iyong wika.


원하는 언어로 이 비디오를 보려면 설정을 누르고 자막을 누른 다음 자동 번역하고 언어를 선택하세요.


.برای مشاهده این ویدیو به زبان دلخواه خود، تنظیمات، سپس زیرنویس ها را فشار دهید، سپس ترجمه خودکار را فشار دهید و زبان خود را انتخاب کنید


Si aad u daawato muqaalkan luuqada aad door bidayso, taabo settings ka dibna qoraal hoosaadyo, dabadeed si toos ah u tarjun oo dooro luqadaada.


Para ver este video en su idioma preferido, presione configuración, luego subtítulos, luego traduzca automáticamente y elija su idioma.


Để xem video này bằng ngôn ngữ bạn ưa thích, hãy nhấn cài đặt, sau đó nhấn phụ đề, sau đó dịch tự động và chọn ngôn ngữ của bạn.


Keeping Your Restaurant Vermin-Free

Watch this video for a look at how to properly maintain a vermin-free restaurant, which includes tips on preventing vermin infestation, conducting routine self-inspections for vermin in the food facility, and taking proper and immediate action to eliminate any vermin issue to protect your customer’s health.

To view this video in your preferred language, press settings, then subtitles, then auto-translate and pick your language when captions are made available by YouTube.


.لمشاهدة هذا الفيديو بلغتك المفضلة، اضغط على الإعدادات، ثم الترجمة، ثم الترجمة التلقائية واختر لغتك




Upang mapanood ang video na ito sa gusto mong wika, pindutin ang mga setting, pagkatapos ay mga subtitle, pagkatapos ay awtomatikong isalin at piliin ang iyong wika.


원하는 언어로 이 비디오를 보려면 설정을 누르고 자막을 누른 다음 자동 번역하고 언어를 선택하세요.


.برای مشاهده این ویدیو به زبان دلخواه خود، تنظیمات، سپس زیرنویس ها را فشار دهید، سپس ترجمه خودکار را فشار دهید و زبان خود را انتخاب کنید


Si aad u daawato muqaalkan luuqada aad door bidayso, taabo settings ka dibna qoraal hoosaadyo, dabadeed si toos ah u tarjun oo dooro luqadaada.


Para ver este video en su idioma preferido, presione configuración, luego subtítulos, luego traduzca automáticamente y elija su idioma.


Để xem video này bằng ngôn ngữ bạn ưa thích, hãy nhấn cài đặt, sau đó nhấn phụ đề, sau đó dịch tự động và chọn ngôn ngữ của bạn.