Recycled Water

The Department of Environmental Health and Quality (DEHQ) regulates the use of recycled water through a delegation agreement with the State Department of Public Health. The purpose is to protect the public from health risks associated with cross-connections of recycled water and drinking water supplies, as well as to prevent health risks from direct contact with recycled water.
Land and Water Quality Division staff review recycled water use plans, and conduct site inspections to ensure drinking water supplies are not contaminated with recycled water. Staff also monitor spray irrigation sites to ensure the recycled water irrigation does not present a risk to the public. Recycled water sites must also pass an initial cross-connection control shut down test and every four years thereafter. This can be coordinated with the water district supplying the recycled water.
Submit Plan Review Application, plans and payment:
Via mail | In person |
Department of Environmental Health and Quality Attn: Recycled Water P.O. Box 129261 San Diego, CA 92112-9261 | County of San Diego Permit Center 5510 Overland Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 |
Plan Submittal
Please note a complete plan check submittal shall include:
- A complete Plan Review Application.
- Plans and/or engineer's report (paper or electronic are accepted).
- Required project payment.
Once all of the above listed items are provided, the plan review process may take up to 20 days. The applicant will be advised of project approval or will be provided comments of any deficiencies should the project be disapproved.
Electronic Plan Submittal
The DEHQ Recycled Water Program accepts plans via e-mail up to 25 MB in size. For instructions on how to submit plans greater than this, please e-mail your request.
Recycled Water Program
(858) 565-5173
Useful Information
California Health Laws Related To Recycled Water
Recycled Water Plan Check and Inspection Manual (DEH 2001 Edition)