SD Food Info
Under state law, major violations associated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention risk factors require immediate corrective action, a suitable alternative, or the closure of the impacted areas of the food facility until compliance is achieved.
Examples of major violations include a food employee that is found not washing hands and exposed portions of arms as required, improper use of hand sanitizer, improper glove use, or not using appropriate utensils to minimize bare hand contact.
- Employees are required to wash their hands: before beginning work; before handling food/equipment/utensils; as often as necessary, during food preparation, to remove soil and contamination; when switching from working with raw to ready to eat foods, after touching body parts; after using toilet room; or any time when contamination may occur [§113952, §113953.3, §113953.4, §113961, §113968, §113973(b-f)]
- Hands and exposed portions of arms must be clean (§113952)
- Hands must be washed as specified (§113953.3)
- Hand sanitizer must be used properly and hands must be cleaned prior to use of hand sanitizer (§113953.4)
- Food employees shall prevent bare hand contact with ready to eat foods by using suitable utensils, gloves or dispensing equipment [§113961(b)]
- Leftover food that has been served to the consumer shall be packaged using clean utensils [§113961(c)]
- Food employees shall have trimmed, cleanable, and smooth fingernails (§113968)
- Food employees with artificial nails, nail polish, rings (other than a plain ring, such as a wedding band), shall use gloves to prepare unpackaged food or handle clean utensils (§113973)
- Single-use gloves shall be used correctly (§113973)