UST Biodiesel

New UST Regulation for Alternative Compatibility
The variance for the provisional storage of biodiesel blends up to B20 has expired. On June 1, 2012, new permanent California Underground Storage Tank (UST) regulations became effective to allow the storage of all biodiesel blends, including B100, in double-walled systems. If the manufacturer of the UST containment system and related components does not have the required compatibility approvals from the appropriate independent testing organizations, under the new regulations, the owner or operator may submit a written affirmative statement of compatibility for the specific hazardous substance from the manufacturer(s). The written affirmative statement of compatibility shall satisfy the requirements under CCR Title 23, Section 2631(b) and applies to all alternative fuels.
The Materials Compatibility Letters previously submitted for the Variance Approval may not meet all of the requirements under the new regulations.
Steps to assure UST compliance under new regulations: | ||
Once HMD has determined that the UST system storing the alternative fuel(s) has met all the requirements of the new regulations for compatibility and leak detection functionality, a new UST Operating Permit will be issued. If you cannot provide any documentation that supports your UST system as having approved compatibility and leak detection equipment functionality, HMD will require the alternative fuel to be removed from the UST system immediately. If you have any questions, please contact Cecilia Lewallen at: (619) 454-9915 or Veronica Archer at: (619) 454-9672. |