Meth Certified Contractors

Contractors Authorized to Remediate Sites Contaminated by Meth Labs.
An authorized contractor must meet specific criteria:
- The approved remediation plan must be implemented by a licensed contractor holding the Hazardous Substance Removal Certification (HAZ), as issued by the Contractors State License Board.
- All personnel working on the remediation of the contaminated site must meet the training and medical surveillance requirements of the Cal/OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard. These requirements can be found in Title 8, Section 5192 of the California Code of Regulations.
- All hazardous wastes generated from the clean-up operations must
be transported to a Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility by a
hazardous waste transporter registered in the State of California
with the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC).
For more information on hazardous waste contractors operating locally, contact the Hazardous Materials Duty Desk at 858-505-6880.
HIRT | List of Certified Contractors | Meth Lab Clean-Up |
Info for Property Owners | HMD Topics |