
PDS2020-TM-5643; PDS2020-AD-20-011; PDS2022-STP-22-018, PDS2021-DB-21-001; LOG NO. PDS2020-ER-20-08-008

The Project includes a Tentative Map (PDS2020-TM-5643), a Site Plan (PDS2022-STP-22-018),  an Administrative Permit (PDS2020-AD-20-011), a Density Bonus Permit (PDS2021-DB-21-001), and a draft Habitat Loss Permit.

The Questhaven Project (Project) consists of a Tentative Map, Site Plan, Density Bonus Permit, and an Administrative Permit on approximately 89.23 acres. The Project consists of 76 single-family residential homes on 18.27 acres, recreation uses on 0.31 acres, and water quality detention basins on 2.4 acres. The Project also includes open space on approximately 63.9 acres that would provide for biological open space, biological open space buffers, and utility easements. The Project is designed to cluster development in the northern portion of the Project site in order to allow for the development of residential uses while providing biological open space in the southern portion of the site.  The Project proposes seven affordable housing units as part of the Density Bonus application. Zoning Use Regulations for the site is Rural Residential (RR) and Open Space (S80). The General Plan Designations for the Site are Semi-Rural (SR-1 and SR-10) and the General Plan Regional Categories for the site are Semi-Rural and No Jurisdiction.The Project is located in unincorporated San Diego County within the San Dieguito Community Plan Area on approximately 89.23 acres, immediately south and west of the City of San Marcos and east of the City of Carlsbad.  Interstate 5 (I-5) is located approximately 5.3 miles west of the Project site.  Specifically, the Project site is located south of San Elijo Road and east of Denning Drive.  Access to the site would be from San Elijo Road to the north.

Public Meeting Participation:

The project was on the agenda for the Thursday, June 13th San Dieguito Community Planning Group (CPG) meeting at 7:00 PM. The San Dieguito CPG is an advisory body to County of San Diego decision-makers and the San Dieguito CPG will make a recommendation on the project. San Dieguito CPG meetings are held at the Rancho Santa Fe Fire Station # 4 Meeting Room at 18040 Calle Ambiente, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067.

San Dieguito Community Planning Group Website

Hard copies of the Draft Environmental Impact Report were available to be to viewed at the San Marcos Library at 2 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069.

Please direct any questions or formal comments to the project contact information below.

Project Contact: Sean Oberbauer | | (619) 323-5287







PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD (May 16, 2024 - July 3, 2024)






PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD (September 1, 2022 - October 3, 2022)


PDS2020-TM-5643; PDS2020-AD-20-011; PDS2022-STP-22-018, LOG NO. PDS2020-ER-20-08-008

The Project includes a Tentative Map (PDS2020-TM-5643), a Site Plan (PDS2022-STP-22-018), an Administrative Permit (PDS2020-AD-20-011), and a draft Habitat Loss Permit.

The Questhaven Project (Project) consists of a Tentative Map, Site Plan, Density Bonus Permit, and an Administrative Permit on approximately 89.23 acres (Figure 4). The Project consists of 76 single-family residential homes on 18.27 acres, recreation uses on 0.31 acres, and water quality detention basins on 2.4 acres. The Project also includes open space on approximately 63.9 acres that would provide for biological open space and fuel-modification zones. The Project is designed to cluster development in the northern portion of the Project site in order to allow for the development of residential uses while providing biological open space in the southern portion of the site.  The Project also includes 0.09-acre of off-site clearing within an existing right-of-way. The Project proposes seven affordable housing units as part of the Density Bonus application. The Project density is consistent with the General Plan Designations of the property by calculating density on the property in accordance with the Density Bonus Program defined by State law and the County Zoning Ordinance (Figure 3). Zoning Use Regulations for the site is Rural Residential (RR) and Open Space (S80). The General Plan Designations for the Site are Semi-Rural (SR-1 and SR-10) and the General Plan Regional Categories for the site are Semi-Rural and No Jurisdiction. The Project is located in unincorporated San Diego County within the San Dieguito Community Plan Area on approximately 89.23 acres, immediately south and west of the City of San Marcos and east of the City of Carlsbad (Figures 1 and 2).  Interstate 5 (I-5) is located approximately 5.3 miles west of the Project site.  Specifically, the Project site is located south of San Elijo Road and east of Denning Drive.  Access to the site would be from San Elijo Road to the north.

An online/phone-in public scoping meeting/teleconference was held to solicit comments on the NOP. This meeting was held virtually on Tuesday, September 20, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.  Powerpoint slides presented at the meeting can be found at the link below:

NOP Scoping Meeting Powerpoint Slides


PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD (September 1, 2022 - October 3, 2022)