Presentations and Training Materials
- January 2025:
Presentations and Trainings
- November 2024: East County Transitional Living Center
- November 2024: Harm Reduction Services Program
- October 2024: FY21-FY23 Ryan White Client Homelessness
- October 2024: HIV and Aging
- October 2024: HRSA Status Neutral and Whole Person Care Approaches-Implementation Update
- September 2024: Mother Child Adolescent HIV Program
- September 2024: Needs, Approaches and Gaps for Women Living with HIV in San Diego County
- September 2024: HIV Infant Feeding Guidelines
- September 2024: Your Safe Place A Family Justice Center
- July 2024: Fentanyl, Opiods, and Naloxone Training by SAY San Diego (07.15.2024)
- May 2024: HICAP Presentation (05.20.2024)
- May 2024: Townspeople Informational Presentation (05.20.2024)
- May 2024: HIV and AIDS Epidemiology Data (05.09.2024)
- April 2024: HPG Orientation (04.18.2024)
Presentations and Trainings
- August, 2023: Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) - 08.21.2023
- August, 2023: California Statewide Integrated Strategic Plan (08.01.2023)
- August, 2023: High Impact Prevention (HIP) HIV Prevention Services Gap Analysis (08.01.2023)
- July, 2023: CalAIM Overview (07.26.2023)
- June, 2023: County of San Diego - Office of Border Health (06.28.2023)
- May, 2023: Top 5 AntiViral Research Center (AVRC) Studies
- April, 2023: Housing Opportunities for Persons With Aids (HOPWA) - Presentation by Freddy Villafan, County of San Diego (04.26.2023)
- April, 2023: Jewish Family Services - List of Resources (04.17.2023)
- March, 2023: Harm Reduction Presentation by Lori Jones, County of San Diego (03.15.2023)
- September, 2022: PACHA to the People (74th Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS Full Council Meeting) - Karla Quezada-Torres (09.19.2022-09.20.2022)
- April, 2022: Harm Reduction - Felipe Ruiz (04.27.2022)
- April, 2022: Unmet Need Estimates 2016 - 2021 - Dr. Samantha Tweeten (04.05.2022)
- March, 2022: Unmet Need 2021 Overview - Dr. Samantha Tweeten (03.01.2022)
- February, 2022: High Impact HIV Prevention (HIP) in San Diego County (02.23.2022)
- February, 2022: Medi-Cal RX, Coverage Changes for People Living with HIV (PLWH) (02.15.2022)
- December, 2021: HOPWA Presentation by Freddy Villafan (12.07.2021)
- November, 2021: HIV Update - Dr. Samantha Tweeten (11.16.2021)
- October, 2021: "Nobody Really Talks About Any of It" HIV Prevention Among American Indians (10.05.2021)
- June, 2021: Development of a Rapid Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Initiative in San Francisco (06.01.2021)
- June, 2021: Assessing Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Goals for San Diego (SD County)
- June, 2021: San Diego County HIV Needs Assessment (06.04.2021)
- 2021: Cultural Competency within the Black Community
- May, 2021: Key Ingredients of Implementation Science (05.26.2021)
- May, 2021: EHE Updates
- 2021: HIV
Prevention Services Data - 2020
- May, 2021: UPDATE: HIV Disease in San Diego County, 2020 (05, 04.2021)
- February, 2021: COVID-19 Vaccine Update (02.16.2021)
- January, 2021: HOPWA & HCV Presentation (01.27.2021)
- November, 2020: The Brown Act (11.18.2020)
- October, 2020: Persons Who Inject Drugs - Environmental Assessment in San Diego (10.07.2020)
- 2020: FHCSD SPNS Presentation
- October, 2020: HIV
Disease: In and out of care
- September, 2020: PACE
- July, 2020: Engagement
in Care
- July, 2020: HIV Services Overview for EHE (07.07.2021)