Agenda | Findings |
(Attachment A) |
Workload Report
(Attachment B) |
Reports Due
(Attachment C) | Other Attachments |
12/13/22 | 12/13/22 | 12/13/22 | 12/13/22 | 12/13/22 |
Att.D-EO Correspondence
Att.E-Sustained Response-21-100
Video Recording: 12/13/22 |
11/08/22 | 11/08/22 | 11/08/22 | 11/08/22 | 11/08/22 |
Att.F-PR to SDSD-White Supremacy and
Extremist Groups in Law Enforcement
Att.G-PR to SDSD-Review Employee Social
Att.I-PR to Probation-White Supremacy and
Extremist Groups in Law Enforcement
Att.J-PR to Probation-Review Employee Social
Att.K-PR to Probation-Prohibition of Law
Enforcement Gangs
Att.L-Proposed Vision Statement
Att.M-Proposed CLERB Code of Conduct
CLERB - Teleconferencing
Video Recording: 11/8/22 |
10/11/22 | 10/11/22 |
10/11/22 | 10/11/22 | 10/11/22 |
Att.E.-Death Scene Response MOU - Probation
Att.F-PR to SDSD - Document Searches of
Transportation Vehicles
Att.G1-County-Language Services
Language Services
Att.G3-Board Policy- A-139
Att.G-PR to SDSD - Provision of Eviction
Documentation in Threshold Languages
Att.H-Draft Vision Statement
Att.I-County Code of Conduct
Video Recording: 10/11/22 |
09/20/22 | 09/20/22 | 09/20/22 | 09/20/22 | 09/20/22 |
Att.D-EO Correspondence
Video Recording: 09/20/22 |
09/13/22 |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
08/30/22 Special Meeting | N/A | 08/30/22 | N/A | N/A | Video Recording: 08/30/22 |
Special Meeting Agenda 08/23/22 | 08/23/22 | 08/23/22 | N/A | N/A |
Online Request
to Speak Form
Video Recording: 08/23/22
Att. A- SDSD PR Response - Fentanyl Canine
Att.B.-PR to SDSD - Search or Scan All
Persons Entering Detention Facilities, to Include
2022 Semi-Annual Report Draft
2021 Annual Report Draft |
08/09/22 | 08/09/22 | 08/09/22
| 08/09/22 |
08/09/22 |
Online Request
to Speak Form
Video Recording: 08/09/22
Att. D- EO Correspondence to Full
Att.E-PR Response SDSD-Reduction of Racially
Disparate Policing Practices
Att.F-San Diego CLERB - 180-Day
Att.G-Data for SDSD DSB Naloxone
Administration - Non-Fatal Outcome
Att.H-PR to SDSD - Digital Scanning of
Non-Legal Mail
Att.I-Overview of Improvements Identified by
San Diegans for Justice |
| 07/12/22 | 07/12/22 |
07/12/22 | 07/12/22 |
Online Request
to Speak Form
Video Recording: 07/12/22
Hearing Notice and Agenda Content (Att.
E) |
Special Meeting 07/05/22 | N/A | 07/05/22 |
N/A | N/A |
Online Request
to Speak Form
Video Recording: 07/05/22 |
06/14/22 | 06/14/22 | 06/14/22 | 06/14/22 | N/A |
Video Recording: 06/14/22
Online Request
to Speak Form
PR Response - 20-113(Att. E)
PR Response - 21-014(Att. F)
PR Response - 21-038(Att. G)
PR Response - 21-078(Att. H)
PR Response - Expansion of Family Liaison
Program (Att. I)
PR Response - Provide Inmate Access to
Naloxone (Att. J)
PR Response - Use of Technology to Monitor
Health & Safety of Inmates (Att. K)
PR Sustained Response - 21-028(Att.
L) |
06/07/22 Special Meeting | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Video Recording: 06/07/22
Online Request
to Speak Form |
05/10/22 | 05/10/22 | 05/10/22 | 05/10/22 |
05/10/22 |
Online Request
to Speak Form Video Recording: 05/10/22
PR Response - 20-104 (Att. E)
Sheriff's Sustained Response - 21-004 (Att.
Sheriff's Sustained Response - 21-089 (Att.
CLERB Policy Recommendation to provide
inmate access to Naloxone at SDC Detention Facilities (Att.
CLERB Policy Recommendation to create
Fentanyl Canine Policy and Procedures (Att. I)
MOU - Countywide Protocol for the
Investigation and Review of Officer-Involved Shootings
and Other Deadly Force Incidents (Att. J) |
Town Hall 04/26/22 |
04/12/22 | 04/12/22 | 04/12/22 |
04/12/22 |
Online Request
to Speak Form
Special Meeting Video Recording: 04/26/22
Executive Officer Correspondence to CLERB
(Att. D)
CLERB Policy Recommendations for Reduction
of Racially Disparate Policing Practices (Att. E)
CLERB - 60-Day Update for State Audit
Recommendation (Att. F)
CLERB In-Custody Death Study (Att.
CLERB Policy Recommendations for Use of
Technology to Monitor Health & Safety in SDSD Detention
Facilities (Att. H)
CLERB Policy Recommendations for Use of
Technology to Monitor Health & Safety in Probation
Juvenile Detention Facilities (Att. I)
CLERB Policy Recommendation for Expansion of
SDSD Family Liaison Protocol (Att. J)
Video Recording: 4/12/22 |
Special Meeting 03/10/22
Town Hall 03/22/22 | 03/22/22 |
Special Meeting 03/10/22
Town Hall 03/22/22 | 03/22/22 | 03/22/22 |
Online Request
to Speak Form
Meeting Video Recording: 03/22
Special Meeting Video Recording: 03/10/22
Town Hall Recording: 03/22/22
Executive Officer Correspondence to CLERB
(Att. D)
San Diego Sheriff's Department PR Response
(Att. E)
CLERB Death Scene Response (Att. F)
20-113 Sustained Finding SDSD Response (Att.
21-087 Sustained Finding SDSD Response (Att.
SDSD Report Back - Address Concerns
Identified in CPE Report (Att. I)
San Diegans for Justice CLERB Report (Att.
J) |
Special Meeting 02/22/22 | 02/22/22 |
Special Meeting 02/22/22 | 02/22/22 | 02/22/22 |
Online Request
to Speak Form
Meeting Video Recording: 02/22/22
Special Meeting Video Recording: 02/22/22
Executive Officer Correspondence to CLERB
(Att. D)
Auditor of the State of California report on
San Diego County Sheriff's Department 2021-109 (Att. E)
Special Meeting - 01/25/22 |
01/22 |
Special Meeting 01/25/22 |
01/22 |
01/22 |
Online Request
to Speak Form
Recording Part 1: 01/11/22 Video
Recording Part 2: 01/11/22 Special Meeting
Video Recording: 01/25/22
Executive Officer Correspondence to CLERB
(Att. D)
SDSD P.R. Response 20-097
CLERB Inquiry Response - Detention
Facility Cameras
CLERB Request for Report Back on CPE
Report |