Agenda Findings


(Attachment A)

Workload Report

(Attachment B)

Reports Due

(Attachment C)

Other Attachments
12/13/22 12/13/22 12/13/22 12/13/22 12/13/22

Att.D-EO Correspondence

Att.E-Sustained Response-21-100

Video Recording: 12/13/22

11/08/22 11/08/22 11/08/22 11/08/22 11/08/22

Att.E-21-055-Sustained Response  

Att.F-PR to SDSD-White Supremacy and Extremist Groups in Law Enforcement

Att.G-PR to SDSD-Review Employee Social Media

Att.I-PR to Probation-White Supremacy and Extremist Groups in Law Enforcement

Att.J-PR to Probation-Review Employee Social Media

Att.K-PR to Probation-Prohibition of Law Enforcement Gangs

Att.L-Proposed Vision Statement

Att.M-Proposed CLERB Code of Conduct

CLERB - Teleconferencing

Video Recording: 11/8/22

10/11/22 10/11/22





10/11/22 10/11/22

Att.D-EO Correspondence

Att.E.-Death Scene Response MOU - Probation and CLERB

Att.F-PR to SDSD - Document Searches of Transportation Vehicles

Att.G1-County-Language Services

Att.G2-County Language Services

Att.G3-Board Policy- A-139

Att.G-PR to SDSD - Provision of Eviction Documentation in Threshold Languages

Att.H-Draft Vision Statement

Att.I-County Code of Conduct

Video Recording: 10/11/22

09/20/22 09/20/22 09/20/22 09/20/22 09/20/22

Att.D-EO Correspondence

Video Recording: 09/20/22

09/13/22  N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
08/30/22 Special Meeting  N/A 08/30/22 N/A N/A Video Recording: 08/30/22
Special Meeting Agenda   08/23/22 08/23/22 08/23/22 N/A N/A

Online Request to Speak Form

Video Recording: 08/23/22

Att. A- SDSD PR Response - Fentanyl Canine P&P

Att.B.-PR to SDSD - Search or Scan All Persons Entering Detention Facilities, to Include Employees

2022 Semi-Annual Report Draft

2021 Annual Report Draft

08/09/22 08/09/22


08/09/22 08/09/22

Online Request to Speak Form

Video Recording: 08/09/22

Att. D- EO Correspondence to Full CLERB

Att.E-PR Response SDSD-Reduction of Racially Disparate Policing Practices

Att.F-San Diego CLERB - 180-Day Update

Att.G-Data for SDSD DSB Naloxone Administration - Non-Fatal Outcome

Att.H-PR to SDSD - Digital Scanning of Non-Legal Mail

Att.I-Overview of Improvements Identified by San Diegans for Justice

07/12/22 07/12/22 07/12/22 07/12/22

Online Request to Speak Form

Video Recording: 07/12/22

Hearing Notice and Agenda Content (Att. E)

Special Meeting 07/05/22 N/A 07/05/22 N/A N/A

Online Request to Speak Form

Video Recording: 07/05/22

06/14/22 06/14/22 06/14/22 N/A

Video Recording: 06/14/22

Online Request to Speak Form

PR Response - 20-113(Att. E)

PR Response - 21-014(Att. F)

PR Response - 21-038(Att. G)

PR  Response - 21-078(Att. H)

PR Response - Expansion of Family Liaison Program (Att. I)

PR Response - Provide Inmate Access to Naloxone (Att. J)

PR Response - Use of Technology to Monitor Health & Safety of Inmates (Att. K)

PR Sustained Response - 21-028(Att. L)

06/07/22 Special Meeting N/A N/A N/A N/A

Video Recording: 06/07/22

Online Request to Speak Form

05/10/22 05/10/22 05/10/22 05/10/22 05/10/22

Online Request to Speak Form

Video Recording: 05/10/22

PR Response - 20-104 (Att. E)

Sheriff's Sustained Response - 21-004 (Att. F)

Sheriff's Sustained Response - 21-089 (Att. G)

CLERB Policy Recommendation to provide inmate access to Naloxone at SDC Detention Facilities (Att. H)

CLERB Policy Recommendation to create Fentanyl Canine Policy and Procedures (Att. I)

MOU - Countywide Protocol for the Investigation and Review of
Officer-Involved Shootings and Other Deadly Force Incidents (Att. J)


Town Hall 04/26/22

04/12/22 04/12/22 04/12/22 04/12/22

Online Request to Speak Form

Special Meeting Video Recording: 04/26/22

Executive Officer Correspondence to CLERB (Att. D)

CLERB Policy Recommendations for Reduction of Racially Disparate Policing Practices (Att. E)

CLERB - 60-Day Update for State Audit Recommendation (Att. F)

CLERB In-Custody Death Study (Att. G)

CLERB Policy Recommendations for Use of Technology to Monitor Health & Safety in SDSD Detention Facilities (Att. H)

CLERB Policy Recommendations for Use of Technology to Monitor Health & Safety in Probation Juvenile Detention Facilities (Att. I)

CLERB Policy Recommendation for Expansion of SDSD Family Liaison Protocol (Att. J)

Video Recording: 4/12/22


Special Meeting 03/10/22

Town Hall 03/22/22



Special Meeting 03/10/22

Town Hall 03/22/22

03/22/22 03/22/22

Online Request to Speak Form

Meeting Video Recording: 03/22

Special Meeting Video Recording: 03/10/22

Town Hall Recording: 03/22/22

Executive Officer Correspondence to CLERB (Att. D)

San Diego Sheriff's Department PR Response (Att. E)

CLERB Death Scene Response (Att. F)

20-113 Sustained Finding SDSD Response (Att. G)

21-087 Sustained Finding SDSD Response (Att. H)

SDSD Report Back - Address Concerns Identified in  CPE Report (Att. I)

San Diegans for Justice CLERB Report (Att. J)


Special  Meeting 02/22/22



Special  Meeting 02/22/22

02/22/22 02/22/22

Online Request to Speak Form

Meeting Video Recording: 02/22/22

Special Meeting Video Recording: 02/22/22

Executive Officer Correspondence to CLERB (Att. D)

Auditor of the State of California report on San Diego County Sheriff's Department 2021-109 (Att. E)   


Special Meeting - 01/25/22



Special Meeting 01/25/22

01/22 01/22

Online Request to Speak Form

Video Recording Part 1: 01/11/22
Video Recording Part 2: 01/11/22
Special Meeting Video Recording: 01/25/22

Executive Officer Correspondence to CLERB (Att. D)

SDSD P.R. Response 20-097

CLERB Inquiry Response - Detention Facility Cameras

CLERB Request for Report Back on CPE Report