
The Sweetwater Community Planning Area is that unincorporated portion of San Diego County south of Route 54, east of I-805 (with a small piece west of I-805), north of the City of Chula Vista and west of the Jamul planning area. The area encompasses approximately 8,000 acres with 4,250 dwelling units and a population of 13,400 (January, 1987).
The Sweetwater Community is a unique resource within San Diego
County. It provides a semi-rural equestrian community which is close
to urban areas and employment opportunities. Its surrounding low hills
and the broad Sweetwater River Valley, with tree-lined views, provide
a visual relief from other residential areas. The western half of the
plan area is mostly developed residential land with single-family
homes on parcels less than one acre in size. There is little
commercial land and no industrial land in the community planning area.
The commercial areas along Bonita Road that are in the City of Chula
Vista and other adjacent commercial areas provide commercial services
to the primarily residential Sweetwater Valley. The other major land
use in the area is the Sweetwater River Valley which is devoted to
parks, golf courses, and other open space uses.
Sweetwater Community Plan, San Diego County General Plan
Sweetwater Community Planning Group